Observe from a Distance: Keep a safe distance from the nest to avoid disturbing the hummingbirds. Use binoculars if you want to get a closer look without intruding.
Avoid Touching the Nest: Hummingbirds are very sensitive, and human scent on the nest or eggs can lead to abandonment. It's important to not touch the nest or eggs.
Protect the Nest from Pets: If you have pets, keep them away from the area to prevent them from disturbing the nest. Consider temporarily limiting access to your yard if necessary.
Provide a Safe Habitat: Create a bird-friendly environment around the nest by providing native plants, flowers, and water sources, which will attract other insects and help nourish the hummingbirds.
Limit Yard Work Around the Nest: Avoid activities like mowing, trimming, or using loud equipment near the nest, as this can disrupt the birds. Try to do yard work in areas farther from the nest.
Don’t Use Pesticides: Avoid using chemicals or pesticides in the area, as they can harm the hummingbirds or the insects they rely on for food.
Give the Birds Space to Fledge: Once the babies hatch, allow them to leave the nest on their own when they’re ready. Avoid handling them or trying to assist them in leaving the nest, as this can disrupt their natural process.