Bee Balm (Monarda) – With its vibrant red, pink, and purple flowers, bee balm is a favorite of hummingbirds. It thrives in sunny, well-drained gardens and attracts pollinators with its fragrant blooms.
Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans) – Known for its bright orange or red trumpet-shaped flowers, this vine is a hummingbird magnet. It grows well on trellises, fences, or arbors.
Columbine (Aquilegia) – Columbine’s unique, spurred flowers come in various colors, including red, pink, and purple, and are a great source of nectar for hummingbirds.
Salvia (Salvia spp.) – With a variety of colors from red to purple, salvia is a hummingbird favorite. It blooms all summer long and attracts these birds with its tubular flowers.
Fuchsia (Fuchsia spp.) – Known for its pendulous, colorful blooms in shades of pink, red, and purple, fuchsia is especially loved by hummingbirds. It thrives in partial shade.
Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) – Zinnias are hardy annuals that come in vibrant colors like red, orange, and pink, providing abundant nectar for hummingbirds throughout the growing season.
Hummingbird Sage (Salvia spathacea) – Native to North America, this sage produces spikes of purple flowers that are perfect for attracting hummingbirds with their sweet nectar.