Lettuce: Lettuce thrives in cooler temperatures and grows quickly, making it perfect for raised garden beds.
Radishes: Radishes are fast-growing, taking only about 3-4 weeks from planting to harvest. They require minimal care and are well-suited to raised beds, where the soil drains well.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes flourish in raised beds, offering excellent drainage and warmth. They grow better in these beds as the roots have more space to spread, and the soil warms up faster in the spring.
Carrots: Raised garden beds are great for carrots because the deep, loose soil allows for healthy root development. They grow well in the space provided and are easy to care for.
Spinach: Spinach grows quickly and loves cool weather, making it an ideal vegetable for raised garden beds. It doesn't require deep soil, but benefits from good drainage.
Zucchini: Zucchini plants thrive in raised beds due to the well-draining soil and extra warmth. They spread out, so give them enough space, and you'll get a good harvest.
Green Beans: Green beans grow easily in raised beds and can be planted as bush beans or with a trellis for pole beans. They need minimal maintenance and provide an abundant harvest.