7 Little-Known Facts About BMW For Car Enthusiasts
BMW's Origins: BMW started as an aircraft engine manufacturer in 1916, and only later switched to automobiles.
– The Logo Meaning: The blue and white in the BMW logo actually represents the colors of the Bavarian flag, not a spinning propeller as often thought. –
World's First Turbocharged Production Car: The 1973 BMW 2002 Turbo was the first turbocharged production car, pushing the boundaries of performance.
Electric Car Innovation: BMW's i3, launched in 2013, was one of the first fully electric vehicles to be produced by a major car manufacturer.
Electric Car Innovation: BMW's i3, launched in 2013, was one of the first fully electric vehicles to be produced by a major car manufacturer.
The "Ultimate Driving Machine": BMW’s marketing slogan is one of the most iconic, emphasizing their engineering focus on driving performance.
Luxury with Sustainability: BMW’s sustainable production methods, like using recycled materials in car interiors, show the brand's commitment to both luxury and eco-consciousness.
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