Golden Retriever Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and playful nature. They love attention and, if left alone with your homework, might just chew it out of boredom or curiosity.
Beagle Beagles have a strong sense of smell and are always on the hunt for something interesting to chew. Your homework may be the perfect candidate for their chewing adventures.
Border Collie Border Collies are extremely intelligent and energetic. If they get too bored or are looking for something to do, they may decide to shred your homework as a form of entertainment.
Labrador Retriever Like Golden Retrievers, Labradors are curious and often mischievous. They're known for getting into things they shouldn't, and your homework might be just the thing they decide to destroy.
Jack Russell Terrier Small but energetic, Jack Russells are always on the go and tend to chew on anything they can find. Homework might be an easy target if left unattended.
Cocker Spaniel These affectionate and playful dogs can get into mischief if they’re feeling bored or need stimulation. They might chew on anything they can find, including your schoolwork.
Dachshund Dachshunds, with their curious nature and love for exploring, may take a particular interest in your homework.