How to Attract More Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Plant Native Flowering Plants Hummingbirds are attracted to brightly colored flowers, especially red, orange, and pink ones. Native plants such as trumpet vine, bee balm, columbine, and salvia are excellent choices.

Provide Fresh Nectar Hummingbirds feed on nectar, so offering a consistent food source will draw them to your garden.

Offer Perches for Resting Hummingbirds are constantly in motion, but they still need places to rest. Add small, safe perches like twigs, small branches, or decorative garden structures near your nectar sources.

Create a Water Source Hummingbirds also enjoy water, not just for drinking but for bathing. A birdbath with shallow water or a small, gentle fountain can attract them.

Avoid Pesticides Hummingbirds are very sensitive to chemicals, and pesticides can be harmful to them. Avoid using harmful chemicals in your garden, especially near plants and feeders that attract hummingbirds.

Plant Trees and Shrubs for Shelter Hummingbirds need shelter to hide from predators and bad weather. Planting small trees, shrubs, or vines can provide cover and nesting spots.

Create a Diverse Habitat Hummingbirds thrive in gardens with a variety of plants, heights, and textures. By planting a mix of flowers, shrubs, and trees, you offer them not just food, but also places to nest and explore.


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