The 11 Rudest Things You Can Do In Someone Else’s House, According To Etiquette Experts

Invading Their Privacy: Going through someone’s personal items, like snooping through drawers, cabinets, or even their phone, is considered a major breach of trust and privacy.

Being Critical of Their Home: Making negative comments about the décor, cleanliness, or organization of someone's house is disrespectful and ungrateful, especially when they have opened their home to you.

Ignoring House Rules: Disregarding specific house rules, such as removing shoes indoors, not smoking, or not using certain areas of the house, can be seen as disrespectful and inconsiderate.

Overstaying Your Welcome: Staying for too long, especially without notice or invitation, can be uncomfortable for hosts. Not taking cues when it’s time to leave is often seen as inconsiderate.

Using Their Things Without Permission: Using someone else's belongings, such as personal items, kitchen appliances, or toiletries, without asking for permission first is a violation of boundaries.

Not Offering to Help: Failing to offer help, whether it’s setting the table, cleaning up, or offering to pitch in, can make you appear inconsiderate and lazy in the eyes of your hosts.

Bringing Uninvited Guests: Showing up with additional people, like friends or family members, without prior approval can cause inconvenience and disrupt the host’s plans or comfort.


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