The Best Way To Store Pears For Ultimate Freshness
Keep Unripe Pears at Room Temperature: Allow unripe pears to ripen on the counter for a few days until soft.
Refrigerate Ripe Pears: Once ripe, store pears in the fridge to extend freshness for up to five days.
– Use a Paper Bag: Place unripe pears in a paper bag with an apple or banana to speed up ripening due to the ethylene gas they release. –
Store Away From Other Fruits: Overripe pears can release excess ethylene gas, which can accelerate ripening in nearby fruits.
Keep Pears Whole: Don't cut pears until you're ready to eat them to prevent browning.
Avoid Plastic Bags: Do not store pears in plastic bags as they can trap moisture and cause the pears to spoil faster.
Check Regularly: Inspect stored pears daily for ripeness or signs of spoiling to avoid waste.
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