The Worst Place To Store Milk In Your Fridge
The Door: The fridge door is the warmest part of the refrigerator, which is why it's not suitable for milk.
Near the Freezer: Placing milk close to the freezer can cause freezing, which alters its texture and flavor. Frozen milk can become grainy when thawed.
– Top Shelf: The top shelf is often one of the warmest parts of the fridge, so storing milk here can speed up spoilage. –
On the Fridge Rack: Sometimes, there’s a rack at the bottom of the fridge meant for keeping bottles or jars.
Close to Raw Meat: Storing milk near raw meats can expose it to harmful bacteria, increasing the risk of contamination.
In the Crisper Drawer: Though designed for produce, the crisper drawer is not ideal for milk as the humidity level can affect its shelf life.
In an Open Container: Storing milk in an open container exposes it to air, which can result in a faster growth of bacteria, reducing its freshness.
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